7th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-13)

Este ano, eu estou ajudando como chair dos tutoriais (junto com o Winter Manson). Os tutoriais são eventos de um dia (no dia anterior ao início da conferência), onde os pesquisadores dão um curso técnico/empírico/metodológico a respeito de sua área de especialidade para os interessados. Assim, já tivemos tutoriais de softwares para análise de redes sociais, de métodos de pesquisa como etnografia e mesmo de discussão de teorias. Estamos muito interessados em receber propostas de pesquisadores das áreas das ciências sociais e os tutores dos cursos selecionados receberão uma compensação de 500 USD (a um limite máximo de 2 tutores por proposta), além de provavelmente a liberação da inscrição no ICWSM (esta última parte está em negociação).
Se alguém se interessar, reproduzo abaixo o CFP dos tutoriais e as instruções para submeter. Sintam-se livres para espalhar a chamada de trabalhos entre os conhecidos e possíveis interessados. :D
Call for Tutorials
Tutorials at the Seventh International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- Submission Deadline: January 15, 2013
- Submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tutorialsaticwsm13
- Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2013
The ICWSM-13 Committee invites proposals for Tutorials Day at the Seventh International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-13). The Tutorials Day will be held on *July 11, 2013* in Boston, MA, USA. Anyone interested in presenting a tutorial at ICWSM-13 should submit a proposal to the 2013 Tutorials Chair (Submission site).
What Is the Tutorials Day?
The Tutorials Day provides an opportunity for junior and senior researchers to explore exciting advances in methods for capture, analysis and visualization of online data. The tutorials will provide an opportunity for cross-disciplinary engagement and a deeper understanding of new tools and techniques than can be gleaned from short presentations. The analysis of social media is rapidly advancing, and these tutorials will help us to keep abreast of developments as we learn from each other. Former Tutorials Days have been highly successful and we expect a similar attendance and interest in tutorials this year.
ICWSM is seeking proposals for advanced tutorials on cutting edge topics related to the analysis and understanding of social media. We are casting a wide net and are looking for topics in both the social and technical sciences.
Each tutorial should provide either an in depth look at an emerging technique or software package or a broad summary of an important direction in the field. In-depth tutorials could focus, for example, on NLP, software for visualization, social network analysis, text analysis, qualitative inquiry, analysis with grid computing, field experiments, among others.
Examples of broad summaries of the field could include an overview of semantic web techniques, an overview of social capital and social media, introduction to network analysis, lessons learned from social psychology and so forth.
We encourage researchers to consider unique and novel tutorials that will advance and enlighten. We will favor tutorials that embed collaborative approaches and interactivity above tutorials that provide a day long lecture. We will work with successful applicants to ensure that infrastructure, software and online materials requirements are fully met. Tutors will be compensated.
Submission Requirements
The tutorials proposal should be shorter than 4 single spaced 10pt pages, and should include the following:
- Tutorial summary: (< 400 words) This description will be placed on the website to attract participants.
- Justification and Precedent: A brief summary of why this tutorial would help attendees advance the state of the art in the analysis of social media as well as examples of past examples of this tutorial by the tutor or colleague.
- Prerequisites and outcomes: A description of the prerequisite skill set for the attendee as well as a list of goals for the tutor to accomplish by the end of the tutorial.
- Requirements: A list of software, equipment and content that needs to be made available by conference organizers.
- Biography: (< 2 pgs + appendices) Name, mailing address, phone number, email address; background in the tutorial area, including an abridged list of relevant publications and/or presentations; evidence of teaching experience (courses taught or references); and evidence of scholarship in computer science or social science.
Submissions must be in PDF format and can be made via the submission site. Presubmission questions can be sent to the co-chairs (Winter Mason and Raquel Recuero) at the following address: icwsm13@aaai.org